Why You Should Be Buying Organic Meat

If you’re looking for a more health-conscious approach to your diet, you’ve more than likely heard the term “organic meat” (as well as other organic produce) mentioned quite a bit. In fact, it’s a concept that’s been around since the early 1900s, when Sir Albert Howard, F.H. King, Rudolf Steiner, and several other visionaries developed the principles of organic agriculture. Their philosophy was grounded in the belief that using animal manures (frequently transformed into compost), cover crops, crop rotation, and biologically derived pest control methods resulted in a superior farming system.

They weren’t wrong, either. Organic meat carries a wealth of benefits over meats produced by animals that are treated with steroids and synthetic hormones, which are most often used to improve feed efficiency and growth rates of animals.

Here’s why you should skip the nasties and embrace organically produced meat.

Organic Meat Doesn’t Contain Hormones Or Antibiotics

Organic meat is produced without the use of synthetic hormones or antibiotics, meaning that the animals involved are raised in a more natural environment and that the meat is free of potentially harmful chemicals. The use of antibiotics in animals intended for consumption selects for bacteria resistant to antibiotics used in humans, which may in turn spread via the food to humans and cause human infection. While the actual danger may seem small, antibiotics pose a threat to both human and animal health.

Similarly, meat containing hormones should be avoided. As well as it being a healthier choice, hormone-free meat is generally tastier than its hormone laden counterpart. This is because animals inundated with hormones and grains do not develop the same kind of lean, tasty muscles that grass fed, free range animals do.


Organic Meat Leads To Improved Animal Welfare

You can absolutely consume meat in an ethical manner – and one way to do this is to opt for organic meat on your plate. Organic farming methods prioritise the welfare of the animals involved, ensuring that they are kept in humane conditions, have access to the outdoors, and are not subjected to unnecessary harm or stress. 

This is due to the legality surrounding organic meat. Organic meat is actually legally defined, and few other food or farming practices carry the same level of legal protection or enforcement as organic meat. Whether it’s cows or chickens, organic meat ensures better treatment of animals and humane

You Can Enjoy Some Surprising Health Benefits

In comparison to factory-farmed meat, organic meat is often leaner and contains higher levels of beneficial nutrients. These include omega-3 fatty acids (which form the starting point for the creation of hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation), vitamin E (protects your body against damage caused by exposure to harmful substances in the environment), and beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects the body from damaging molecules called free radicals.

You’ll Be Supporting Local Farmers

When you’re shopping for organic meats, it’s best to select local farmers. Not only can they guarantee quality and care for their animals, but in turn you’ll be supporting local agriculture and promoting sustainable farming practices. Purchasing locally also strengthens the local economy and creates a sense of community – you may even end up making friends with your local meat provider and build a friendship that means you have a reliable meat selection for your business at all times.

There Are Plenty Of Environmental Benefits

Organic meat is far superior in terms of environmental friendliness. Compared to other sources of meat, organic beef, chicken, lamb and so on reduces the need for a number of damaging practices. This includes organic farming methods that prioritise natural pest control measures, such as crop rotation, intercropping, and the use of natural predators. This leads to a significant reduction in the use of synthetic pesticides, which can have harmful effects on the environment and human health.

Organic meat also takes into account the importance of soil health. Techniques such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and composting – all a part of organic farming – helps to build up soil fertility and promote healthy soil microorganisms. This results in healthier, more resilient soil that is better able to retain moisture and resist erosion.

Then, there’s reduced greenhouse emissions – something that is of particular concern. Organic farming methods ensure the use of natural fertilisers along with crop rotation, which can lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional farming methods that rely on synthetic fertilisers. Lastly, water quality is also improved, since farming practices used to produce organic meat reduce erosion and nutrient runoff. Organic farms are also far less likely to use the synthetic pesticides and fertilisers we keep mentioning, which can contaminate water sources and damage the surrounding environment.

Organic Meat Has An Unrivalled Taste

At the end of the day, isn’t the taste of quality meat just superior to others? Growth-encouraging chemicals tend to drain meat and of its vitamins and minerals, whereas the brilliant, delicious taste of organically raised meat produces food that is rich in flavour and beneficial nutrients.

Purchase Organic Meat In Bulk, From Melrina

At Melrina Wholesale Meats, we’re masters when it comes to obtaining true organic meat including beef, chicken, lamb, mutton, and a range of game meats. In fact, we prioritise sustainable farming methods and meats, including grass-fed and pasture-raised. Get in touch with us, and discover our superior meats today.